Rungee Goes to School

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Well, the pleasure of being admitted to four schools has not yet worn off, but I have since found a new fixation to replace my obsession of wondering whether or not I will get in somewhere – trying to figure out where I should spend my next two years! I warned readers that there would be more to come on this and here it is!

So, what to do? You would think this would be an easy choice. I think one of the things that helped me gain admittance to these schools is now working against me – I found them all a very good fit for me for one reason or another. I was able to explain very clearly why I wanted to go there. None of the schools is truly a PERFECT fit, but most are pretty darn close except maybe one or two aspects. The question is – do I go with the school that will get me there via a direct path or do I want to take the scenic route? So, here are the parameters against which I consider each school (not necessarily in order of importance to me):

Achieving my Short Term Career Goals
I have two main things I would like to come away from my MBA with – ability to work internationally (difficult if you don’t have the international experience to begin with) and ability to move into the health care sector. For me, LBS is the clear winner on international, but it lacks the defined health care component. Wharton is the clear winner on health care… hell, they have a whole program devoted to it. Duke does as well, but I personally find Wharton the stronger of the two, mainly b/c the overall school seems to come off stronger. Both schools have some international programs, but it's not the same as actually studying internatinally. Michigan has a little of both, but nothing to outdo the others. In the end, I think I need to focus more on building my knowledge of health care and try to work in the international component where I can.

Winner: Wharton

Cultural Fit
This is one of the hardest things to assess. From everything I’ve heard about LBS, I really think that it would be an excellent fit. The students are diverse in comparison to the US schools, the class is small (this could be a negative in terms of alumni network, but I think I would get to know more people on a more intimate level), and the students genuinely seem to have a good time. I do not think B-school is just about having a good time, but all other things equal, I’d rather have fun with my teammates while learning. Duke was great at reaching out to me as a female candidate and Wharton has been absolutely spectacular in the post-admit support (I think I've gotten no less than six or seven emails and calls from people offering to discuss Wharton and answer all my burning questions). I am interested to see the effect of the change in the Grade Non-Disclosure policy at Wharton, though.

Winner: Undecided (previously LBS but Wharton is winning me over as we go along)

Ah – yes, I am admittedly superficial when it comes to this... I like name brands. I chose a name brand undergrad over full ride scholarship offers from several other schools. When it came time to decide on job offers, I again went for name brand over a small and intimate firm where I would certainly be working on projects in my desired domain and making more money. But, I have seen the power of brand, which is why it’s hard to ignore. No, it’s not the be-all, end-all, but it doesn’t hurt. I think Wharton has a wonderful brand and people are starting to understand it is not just a Finance school. From what I can tell, LBS is considered to be on par with the top schools in the US over in the EU, but it is relatively unknown in the US. I would be happy to work in Europe for awhile, though, so this wouldn't inhibit in my short-term goals. It would be helpful if the brand were stronger over here, though, for when I want to come back. I think LBS will be able to grow its brand outside Europe, but it's going to take some time. I think Duke and Michigan are about equal...they're great schools, but not in the same tier as the H, S, W triumvirate.

Winner: Wharton

Well, I don't have my aid package from Wharton yet, so I don't know how they will ultimately shake out. But, for now, let's assume zero from them. Duke's scholarship offer combined with the lower costs in general make it the most affordable by far. Following Duke is Michigan (again, a scholarship offer and lower overall costs). Next is LBS thanks to a scholarships (otherwise, it is by far the most expensive b/c of London's high cost of living and the horrid exchange rate), and Wharton brings up the rear. So, how much is the name brand really worth? An important question. I'm looking at a very considerable difference... so, how long do I want to be in debt?!

Winner: Duke

North Carolina definitely has the best weather. I did not particularly like how spread out the school and Durham is... I felt like a car would make life much easier there, and I don't really want to have to deal with a car while I'm at school. Everywhere else, I will have to deal with moderately crappy weather, but, hey, I can suck it up. Philly has great restaurants, although I'm not too keen of the city overall. London would be AWESOME for all the obvious reasons. Ann Arbor is small but, again, I would probably be better off with a car and it is wicked cold.

Now, along with location, I have to consider distance from my husband, who will probably stay here. His job is going extremely well and we both think it makes sense for him to stay to see what opportunities come to him. Plus, he'll only need to find a new job once rather than do that now and then again when I graduate. The only exception is LBS -- we felt that was just too far, so he would move w/ me if I were to go there. He is clearly pulling for Wharton b/c it closest. Duke is also within driving distance. Michigan is farther but still only a 1.5 hour plane ride away (and cheap air fare)!

Winner: Tie - LBS for fun, Wharton for distance, and Duke for weather

Of course, there is no way to know which decision is the "right" one since there is no way to look into the future. But, I don't really think I can go wrong... these are all excellent choices and I always said I would be happy if I got into any of them alone. I am leaning toward Wharton right now, but I decided not to make any final decisions until I had gone to the admit weekends and rec'd all my financial aid information (or as much as I can get prior to the due date for submitting my decisions to the schools). I looked back to my earlier posts talking about which schools I liked more than others and there were definitely changes from my initial list to my final application list. Likewise, I'm sure some things will be shuffled around with these factors too, and I will probably think of more parameters for comparison, so we shall see what happens in the end!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

HBS Puts a Halt to My Streak

I am on the Wait List, which I think is pretty much a Ding. I guess this means I'm like 4.5 for 5. Maybe 4.25 since there is little chance of getting off the WL at HBS. :) Anyway, since I've had a lot of good fortune prior to this decision, the blow was definitely not that bad. What I did think was funny, though, was I got three emails from my family today to ask what the decision was and NONE of them emailed me for any of the other schools. Anyway, busy day at work so gotta run. Congrats to the bloggers that did get in!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Back in the Saddle

Finally back from the bitter cold of New Hampshire with some exciting news (which I'll share in a bit). My aunt lives on a ski resort in Colorado, so I'm not terribly impressed by East Coast skiing in general, but I think this place (where a famous economic agreement was signed... hint hint) would have been good had it not been so unseasonably warm. The first day I was there it was a balmy 40 F (which is ridiculously warm compared to the negative numbers we experienced only a few days later). Sadly, due to the warm weather, only about 1/4 of the slopes were open. I managed pretty well, given that it has been 2 or 3 years since my last ski trip.

There was one black diamond that gave me a hard time (Bode's Run... for those who are familiar with Bode Miller of skiing fame). I ate it at the top of a mogul field and fell all the way to the bottom... kept both skis and my poles with me though! The second time I tried it, I ended up in some trees to the right side of the run. Third time was not a charm. I finally decided to admit defeat and stop going down it before I ended up with more than just a bruised ego. My only consolation is that everyone else that went down the run fell as well. It was too freaking icy and steep I guess.

After 13 hours in the car yesterday (due to my husband missing a road he was supposed to go on, road construction, and an accident that shut down 95), I am finally back home. One thing I do like about driving through New England, though - you get a sense of accomplishment when you get through nine states in a day. :)

Anyway, I got a call from Michigan today and I am in! (This was the exciting news I referenced earlier.) I rec'd some scholarship money too. I felt bad b/c I wasn't as excited as I would normally be on the phone... not b/c I wasn't excited about the offer but b/c I was so exhausted when I got the call after my car trip marathon! I hope the person on the other end didn't think I was being an ungrateful ass.

I don't think I mentioned before that I also received (rather substantial) scholarship offers from LBS and Duke. I have not yet filled out my financial aid application for Wharton (Juggler is way ahead of me... I have barely begun to struggle through that) and, of course, I haven't heard from HBS as to whether I'm in or not so I don't know what the deal is there. So, now I need to think a little bit more about the money factor (which I was conveniently ignoring up until this point). As if the decision isn't hard enough already! I'm still organizing my thoughts on how to make this decision, but believe me, there will be more on that (whether you want to hear it or not!) in the posts to come. :)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Out with the old and in with the new

I decided to be like the fashion magazines and make a list of the old (out) and the new (in) b-school related trends for Rungee as we turn to 2007.

Old - Holing myself up in a Starbucks on weekends to do applications
New - Going out to celebrate acceptances and the return to student life
Old - Stressing about whether I will get into b-school
New - Stressing about where to matriculate
Old - Working
New - Traveling (not until summer, but I am already looking forward to it and trying to decide where to go!)
Old - Steady income
New - Debt
Old - Blaming the combination of applications and work for my sloth
New - Exercising regularly (yeah right!)

I had one of the most relaxing New Years ever, and it was great. We went with a Spanish theme (Sangria and tapas), and we stayed home with friends rather than going out. The result - no hangover! Due to interviews, holidays, and vacations, I haven't been at work for a full week in the past 2 months. Seriously. Thank goodness my team likes me. ;) And this trend will continue b/c I am leaving to go skiing in New Hampshire next week. Too bad the weather has been so warm this year. I knew I should've decided to go to Colorado instead! We rented a house with 8 other friends, so it should be a good time, snow or not.

Congrats to all those who submitted their R2 applications. Best of luck in the process!