Rungee Goes to School

Friday, January 12, 2007

Back in the Saddle

Finally back from the bitter cold of New Hampshire with some exciting news (which I'll share in a bit). My aunt lives on a ski resort in Colorado, so I'm not terribly impressed by East Coast skiing in general, but I think this place (where a famous economic agreement was signed... hint hint) would have been good had it not been so unseasonably warm. The first day I was there it was a balmy 40 F (which is ridiculously warm compared to the negative numbers we experienced only a few days later). Sadly, due to the warm weather, only about 1/4 of the slopes were open. I managed pretty well, given that it has been 2 or 3 years since my last ski trip.

There was one black diamond that gave me a hard time (Bode's Run... for those who are familiar with Bode Miller of skiing fame). I ate it at the top of a mogul field and fell all the way to the bottom... kept both skis and my poles with me though! The second time I tried it, I ended up in some trees to the right side of the run. Third time was not a charm. I finally decided to admit defeat and stop going down it before I ended up with more than just a bruised ego. My only consolation is that everyone else that went down the run fell as well. It was too freaking icy and steep I guess.

After 13 hours in the car yesterday (due to my husband missing a road he was supposed to go on, road construction, and an accident that shut down 95), I am finally back home. One thing I do like about driving through New England, though - you get a sense of accomplishment when you get through nine states in a day. :)

Anyway, I got a call from Michigan today and I am in! (This was the exciting news I referenced earlier.) I rec'd some scholarship money too. I felt bad b/c I wasn't as excited as I would normally be on the phone... not b/c I wasn't excited about the offer but b/c I was so exhausted when I got the call after my car trip marathon! I hope the person on the other end didn't think I was being an ungrateful ass.

I don't think I mentioned before that I also received (rather substantial) scholarship offers from LBS and Duke. I have not yet filled out my financial aid application for Wharton (Juggler is way ahead of me... I have barely begun to struggle through that) and, of course, I haven't heard from HBS as to whether I'm in or not so I don't know what the deal is there. So, now I need to think a little bit more about the money factor (which I was conveniently ignoring up until this point). As if the decision isn't hard enough already! I'm still organizing my thoughts on how to make this decision, but believe me, there will be more on that (whether you want to hear it or not!) in the posts to come. :)


Blogger Iday said...

Welcome back to the world of post-MBA-admit-trauma :)

11:18 PM  
Blogger double dot said...

Congrats! You are on a roll!

2:19 PM  
Blogger High Above Broadway said...

Congrats Rungee..though I am still waiting for Ross as well. Rumor had that us on the tail end of the alphabet on the East Coast wouldn't hear anything because the calls got stuck on H. Are you in the top-half of the alphabet?

4:42 PM  
Blogger rungee582 said...

@all: thanks!

@broadway: Yes, I'm in the top half of the alphabet, so that could be the case... I do know one other person who heard... he was in the beginning of the middle (if that makes sense). Hope you hear soon!

6:27 PM  
Blogger rme2 said...

Hey Rungee, Congrats for Michigan!!! You'll hear from Harvard soon, right? Good luck.

Hey if you were to go to LBS, would your husband come with you? I guess moving within US is not that big a deal.. but going to UK? just wondering...

I am kind of in a similar situation....

Good luck again.

7:25 PM  
Blogger rungee582 said...

@rme2: Yes, I hear from HBS on Wednesday! I hope it's good news.

As for London, my husband would come with me. We have a unique circumstance where he could actually transfer w/out leaving his current job, which makes the process easier. We actually viewed it like this: in the US, he can always come see me w/in an hour or two at any of the schools, generally for $150 or less (plane, train, or car). London wouldn't be as easy for our relationship b/c of time/distance, so we figured it might be easier for both of us if he were to pack up and move w/ me. In the end, it's a highly personal decision that is based on everything from opportunities for your sig. other in the place you're going to your ability to do a long-distance relationship. Hope that is somewhat helpful... best of luck in figuring that one out (it took us quite a few long conversations). :)

11:58 PM  
Blogger MBA babe said...

Congrats on yet another admit!! Good luck on the hbs decision! :)

1:36 PM  
Blogger Rico's Mom said...

Congratulations! Wow that's a lot of admittances! I'd love to have that decision making problem!

4:33 PM  
Blogger Inblue said...

All the best for Harvard tomorrow !
I hope you continue to win !

12:29 AM  

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