Rungee Goes to School

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Join the club

I've recently discovered at least four other people at work that are going to be applying in the same cycle as me. It's nice to have some company... I hope they will keep me on track. ;) We just sent people to Dartmouth, Michigan, and Wharton. Last year, we had some in the ranks of Harvard and Stanford too. I guess that's pretty par for the course, considering I work for a major consulting firm. On one hand, it's comforting to know that business schools find that kind of experience valuable, but it also means there's *very* similar competition (though one could argue the massive numbers of other consultants are just as similar).

Anyway, I have some progress to report! I finished my business school resume and I finished the dossiers for Columbia and Haas. I'm going to start outlining those essays this weekend... umm... unless it's really nice out... haha. Now, I have to admit, I realized that I am actually really ahead of the game when I was talking to someone who just decided this week that she wanted to go to b-school next year. She still needs to research schools, come up w/ her top ones, and take the GMAT before she even gets to outlining essays.

That's all for now... pretty much just checking in. :)


Blogger Juggler said...

"She still needs to research schools, come up w/ her top ones, and take the GMAT before she even gets to outlining essays."

That can be a really encouraging feeling!

Did u see the HBS Essays?

4:49 PM  

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