Rungee Goes to School

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I love lamp

I've been extremely bored all week at work. Why is it that I'm either so ridiculously busy that I can barely breathe or I'm so bored I just want to fall asleep? Is that just the nature of business? I haven't had any other job besides this one so it's hard to know. Anyway, I notice that when I am bored and I actually get a task to do that I am very inefficient at getting it done. You would think I'd be excited to do it and would do it well. Instead, I mosey through it and it takes me twice as long to organize my thoughts.

This got me thinking... maybe this is why I've always stayed busy. Maybe every time I slowed down enough to think I actually lost the ability to put together intellectual thoughts. Ok, this probably isn't true, but it's an interesting theory. =P I do feel much more envigorated when I'm bouncing from one thing to another. I always have stopped short of committing to do too much, as I want to make sure everything I do is at 100% effort, but sometimes I get really close to that line. I just feel so useless sitting around.

Since I was bored today, I made plans for tonight, of course, so off I go... just wanted to jot down some quick thoughts to share with the world!


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