Rungee Goes to School

Monday, March 13, 2006


I am currently reading The Lexus and the Olive Tree by Thomas Friedman. I know this is a very popular book, but for those who aren't familiar with it, the topic is globalization. I find it very interesting. I love books such as these. First, the writing style is straightforward yet thoughtful and presses you to think about your own position on the issue. Second, it amalgamates several theories presented from various fields of study (economics, psychology, ecology, etc.) and puts them all together. It's an opportunity to find the connections between things that would appear otherwise distinct.

My interest in globalization is somewhat recent and stems from my interest in international relations. It probably started in college, which was my first real opportunity to interact with people from other cultures in an academic setting. I really appreciated the different ways people approached problems and how their backgrounds led to their varied contributions to our discussions. I learned so much from my peers during that time, and I think that's one of the things I hope to get out the business school experience. Even if I don't focus strictly on international studies within my MBA, I definitely want to go to a diverse school so that I may have the opportunity to learn from people different from me. That's why the schools abroad are so appealing right now. I was also considering the Wharton/Lauder option today. It all looked great until I got to the language requirement. I speak Spanish and Italian but, in the traditional American fashion, I can't speak either one very well. (I have decided my kids are going to learn a second language from early on and will continue with it... argh... stupid public schools and their lack of resources). Still researching all the options out there...


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