Rungee Goes to School

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Choosing Schools... the search continues

I've still been trying to narrow down schools. Unfortunately, others are not helping b/c when I start talking to them about schools, they're like, "have you considered school X for reasons Y and Z?" No, I hadn't, but that just makes it all the harder!

I was researching both Haas (Berkeley) and Columbia b/c they have announced their essay topics for next year. Initially, neither of these schools really interested me. Haas b/c I figured if I was going to go to the Bay Area, I'd rather be at Stanford and Columbia b/c I don't want to live in NYC if I can help it (great city to visit but seems a little overwhelming as a place to live). However, as I researched more, I became interested in both. Haas has a Health Care Certificate and Global Mgmt Certificate; Columbia is very strong in Int'l business. The programs both appeal to me. Argh.

One of my previous posts listed my three tiers of schools. I have re-shuffled a little. I think I'm currently at this list:
Tier 1:

Tier 2:

So, I pruned a few off, but the rest really seem to fit for one reason or another. Now, if it was just my own effort and money going into this process, I would honestly apply to all of them. I'd be willing to suffer through all those essays and dish out $200+ in fees for each application. But, I have recommenders too. And they are very busy. I don't think it's reasonable to ask them to write eight recommendations. So, I would LOVE to drop two more schools off the list. Six is still a lot, but manageable. I am going to approach my recommenders within the next month - so fingers crossed. :)


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